Zgierz is changing!

Three years of operation, fifteen million zlotys, thirty projects. The implementation of the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project has been completed, the main goal of which was to improve the quality of life of local residents in various areas of public space. From investments in architecture, through the development of key strategic documents, to convenient and practical online tools: the City of Zgierz had the opportunity to efficiently use financial support from external sources.

What are the most important results of the recently completed project? They include, among others: innovative online solutions: extension of the City of Zgierz mobile application and the Zgierz Resident Card – a loyalty program promoting people who settle their taxes on-site.

An extremely important result of the project was the development of strategic documents, key to the further development of the city. These include: “Development Strategy of the City of Zgierz for 2023-2030 with a perspective until 2040”, “Youth Policy of the City of Zgierz” and the document “Determination of the current state of unreclaimed waste landfills, their impact on the environment and the technology and costs of their recultivation”, which indicates the directions for the recultivation of waste landfills on the premises of the former “Boruta” plants.

Thanks to the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”, it was possible to implement a whole list of extremely important investments in Zgierz, for example in the historic fabric of Zgierz architecture, such as the Zgierz Senior Center or the Old Crafts Zone. There is a newly built elevator in the Zgierz City Hall, which removes the architectural barriers of the facility for people with special needs, and is available to all visitors. – With the support of external funds, Zgierz has a chance to become an ecological city by 2030, created by residents for whom the quality of life, housing, work and relaxation in the city is very important. We also focus on the development of cultural and industrial heritage, said Przemysław Staniszewski, Mayor of Zgierz, during the conference summarizing the project.

Zgierz is one of the 29 Polish cities that received funding (approximately PLN 15 million) from the “Local Development” Program under the support of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 204-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2021-2024. In October 2021, an agreement was signed at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy to co-finance the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”.

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