A series of substantive assemblies in the implementation cycle of Local Development

The tasks are carried out according to the plan and there are no delays – this is the general conclusion that comes from the series of meetings that has just ended (July 21), coordinating the proper implementation of the Local Development Plan in Zgierz.

During a several-day session of assemblies, where people directly responsible in the Zgierz City Hall for the implementation of subsequent projects of the People’s Republic of Poland met, the progress in project activities was checked. In accordance with the coordination supervision, all steps assumed in the undertakings are carried out correctly and without delays.

According to the project calendar, the following projects were taken into account:

  • PRL 1/2 – Creation of the Old Crafts Zone in the City of Weavers Cultural Park;
  • PRL 2/1 – Installation of street spas with the function of vascular drinking of water;
  • PRL 2/2 – Development of the youth policy of the Zgierz Commune;
  • PRL 4/1 – Creation of the Youth Chillout Zone;
  • PRL 4/2 – Creating Blooming Gardens in Miasto Tkaczy (the City of Weavers);
  • PRL 4/3 – Creation of a Local Activity Center;
  • PRL 4/4 – Adaptation of the building to the needs of the Zgierz Senior Center.

The latter undertaking is the first to close – according to the schedule – to its final implementation, the opening of the Zgierz Senior Center is scheduled for March 2023. On the other hand, from September, the final consultations with the local seniors community will begin on the final equipment of the building and the creation of specific places of social utility in it. According to the previously assumed plan, in the new headquarters of the ZCS at ul. Narutowicza 29, among others, TV and cinema room, kitchen with dining room, flower garden, even a gym and a dance floor. The project is progressing according to the plan.

According to the assumed plan, the implementation of the project of the People’s Republic of Poland 6/5 is also progressing. Intensive work is underway on the preparation of research (with the participation of scientific partners – Lodz University of Technology, University of Lodz) aimed at determining the current state of the Zgierz hazardous waste dumps in the areas of the former “Boruta” plants. After the conclusion of the preliminary phase of the project, which was the spring of this year, air raids with the use of a hyperspectral camera – and the preparation of an orthophotomap, collecting data, among others regarding the state of the local vegetation in the so-called the leafless period, the stage of a thorough reconnaissance of the current content of the landfills is coming.

It will be carried out using a non-invasive method (for people’s safety and due to costs) by a specialized company selected in a tender. The first research activities are initially planned for September. Then, after the scientific expertise of the collected data and confirmation of the reliability of the analysis, another subcontractor will determine the impact of harmful substances collected in landfills on the natural environment, indicating the best method of rehabilitation of these areas. The first stage of the project is to be completed by the end of this year, in December. The time to complete the second, closing part is until mid-2023.

The Local Development Plan (PRL) was developed for participation in the Local Development program, co-financed from the funds obtained by the Municipality of the City of Zgierz from the Norwegian Funds in the competition organized by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. 

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