Colored pencils – waste containers

They are gradually appearing in eighteen locations in Zgierz – and they are already gaining sympathy, especially among the youngest inhabitants of the city. We are talking about colored containers for selective waste collection, resembling crayons. They will all be located near playgrounds: they are to teach children to recycle and encourage an ecological lifestyle. 

Each set of “crayons” consists of four containers. Green for glass, yellow for metals and plastics, blue for paper and black for mixed waste. 

– We set them four in a row, and such sets will appear on most playgrounds in Zgierz – informs Emila Pokrzeptowicz, Head of the Municipal Waste Management Department of the Zgierz City Hall. 

These nineteen locations include two playgrounds in the city park, two sets of containers on ul. Dolna 47, as well as in the vicinity of children’s attractions at Rembowskiego, Parzęczewska, Dolna, Karpacka and near the Market Square. 

Not only replenishment of the baskets, also education 

– I really like the idea of installing containers created in such an attractive form – says the Mayor of Zgierz, Przemysław Staniszewski. – Certainly, it will be easier for kids to remember how to divide the waste and what color to put it in the bins. Hopefully this habit will remain with them forever. 

The aim of the action is not only to increase the infrastructure used for proper waste collection, but also to conduct educational activities thanks to which the youngest generation will acquire the right habits related to environmental protection. 

The Local Development Program allows people to care for the natural environment 

The colorful containers were purchased for almost PLN 100,000, obtained entirely from external funds thanks to Zgierz’s participation in the Local Development Programme. As Emilia Pokrzeptowicz informs, the next stage of this action (still in the current, 2023) will be the purchase and installation of waste segregation bins, which will be placed in the city center. The result of the whole project, carried out under the slogan: “Equipping public places with containers for selective waste collection”, will certainly be a greater cleanliness of Zgierz spaces, better (and thus cheaper) waste selection, more effective recycling – i.e. reuse – of municipal waste. 

The project is implemented as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours” co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021 under the “Local Development” program. 

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