Contract signed! We are starting research on landfills on the premises of the ZPB Boruta plant

The Mayor of the City of Zgierz, Przemysław Staniszewski, signed a contract with a contractor selected to determine the condition of unreclaimed landfills in the former ZPB Boruta plants. This will allow to start research on the content of these landfills in order to provide the necessary data to recommend specific measures at the next stage of work, determining the methods and costs of rehabilitation. 

The data will be provided by specialists using modern technologies of aerial remote sensing and GPR. 

– Experts will provide knowledge about landfills, which will allow to determine in the future what actions will be taken: whether it will be better to only secure these landfills or maybe their partial or complete liquidation – says the President of the City of Zgierz, Przemysław Staniszewski. 

The tests, carried out mainly by the non-invasive method, will be performed by MGGP Aero Sp. z o.o. from Tarnów selected through a tender for the amount of approx. 300 thousand. zlotys. The implementation of these studies is expected to end in December 2022. Research activities, including air raids and the use of a special radar, will allow to determine the condition of the landfills. So far, in the spring, a special orthophotomap has been performed, which will allow the contractor to assess the area in terms of the possibility of safe research. Some knowledge about the condition of these areas is also contained in the old documentation made available by the Marshal’s Office. 

The second stage of activities included in the entire project will be to determine the impact of the diagnosed content of landfills on the environment, and to indicate the methods and costs of rehabilitation. 

After successfully changing the liquidator of Eko-Boruta (the former perpetual usufruct user of these areas) together with the Provincial Inspector of Environmental Protection, and then reclaiming the landfills by the State Treasury, the City of Zgierz is currently accepting landfills and is looking for external sources of financing for remediation work. 

Determining the current state of non-reclaimed waste landfills, their impact on the environment and the technology and costs of reclamation is a project under the Local Development Plan, developed for participation in the Local Development program, co-financed by the funds obtained by the Municipality of the City of Zgierz from the Norwegian Funds in the competition of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. 

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