New documentation for the development of Zgierz

Slightly over PLN 1.5 million – this is how much it cost to prepare 4 technical documents that will initiate the modernization of several dozen buildings, as well as changes in the communication system of Zgierz. The money for the creation of the documentation comes from EU funds, specifically from the Operational Program Technical Assistance. This is the support received by local governments implementing projects of the “Local Development” program. 

A comprehensive “Plan to improve the transport system in the City of Zgierz by introducing a new traffic organization, where public collective transport will be given priority”, has already been developed. The document includes e.g. necessary analyzes of tests and measurements, but above all also the concept of the development of the communication system and estimated cost analyzes of the proposed solutions. 

Complete technical documentation is also ready, which will enable in the near future to equip nine municipal buildings with a water supply and sewage system. 

Technical documentation for thermal modernization of municipal buildings at Dąbrowskiego Street is being prepared. The planned works will cover twenty-one buildings. The modernization of energy systems and wall insulation will allow to reduce energy consumption and operating costs, but also to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere and adapt buildings to environmental protection requirements. 

The last element of the project is a plan to modernize roads and pavements in Zgierz. The document will include an analysis of the condition of municipal roads in the City and a description of the proposed modernization along with a preliminary cost estimate for its implementation. 

Plans important for the development of Zgierz are created thanks to the implementation by the City of the project “Zgierz – preparation of documentation as part of supporting the development of cities POPT 2014-2020” co-financed in 85% from the Cohesion Fund and in 15% from the State Budget. It is a form of support for local governments implementing projects of the “Local Development” Programme. 

Let us recall: Zgierz was among the communes awarded with financial support in this program, receiving a grant from the Norwegian Funds in the amount of about PLN 15 million. This support was given to a complex project called “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”. Since the City of Zgierz commune applied for much higher funding, the Operational Technical Assistance Program is to allow for the implementation of more investments included in the project application. 

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