Seminar: how to manage a city wisely?

Is it easy to adopt a city management strategy? How to delegate tasks to employees? What is city space and how should it be interpreted? These and similar questions were answered by the participants of the managerial training for managers and managers of the Zgierz City Hall. The seminar was organized as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”.

Experts from the Association of Polish Cities, advisors to local governments, with extensive experience in the issues of city management, were invited as trainers. Grzegorz Dziarski, an advisor to cities, presented patterns of proactive thinking, relationships and organization using a selected example. He spoke, among others, about the need to learn the habits of effective management, decisions regarding the identity of the place and a long-term strategy.

In her speech, Katarzyna Śpiewok, advisor for institutional development of cities at ZMO, emphasized the issue of delegating tasks to individual members of the group who perform management functions in the city. She also spoke about the need for support that the Mayor of the City should constantly provide to his associates.

Ryszard Grobelny, currently a strategic advisor to the Association of Polish MPs, previously (1998-2014) Mayor of the City of Poznań, talked about his experience in managing the city from the perspective of the definition of space. The lecturer’s considerations focused mainly on the relationship between the local government managing its area and the residents.

In the discussion part of the training, an interesting conversation took place, devoted to discussing specific image problems affecting the city of Zgierz. The advisors provided the participants of the meeting with good practices in the field of techniques of building good public opinion, they also pointed out the need to segment all city residents into individual groups in order to listen to their particular needs.

The managerial training for the management and management staff of the City Hall was organized as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours” co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 -2021, under the “Local Development” program.

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