The focus group research report is ready

The research company has prepared a report whose recommendations will be used by the authors of the “Youth Policy of the Municipality of Zgierz”: this strategic document is to indicate the directions of the City’s activities undertaken with young people in mind.

The focus group research report, authored by Justyna Badji (Mahaba research company), provides recommendations for the City’s activities in six key areas. The guidelines concern issues discussed with participants of previously conducted focus groups. Young people were asked how they assess the local gastronomic and shopping offer, city infrastructure, public transport, access to information, ecological activities of the City, and the offer of spending free time in Zgierz. The conclusions of these talks are given in the report.

How will the researchers’ recommendations be used?

– Young people have a lot of mature reflections and ideas on what actions to take to make Zgierz more attractive and friendly to them – says Karolina Miżyńska, coordinator of the work on the document. – So we are developing a strategy that is to show us what needs to be done to make young people feel better in their own city.

The “Youth Policy of the Municipality of Zgierz” is to be ready by autumn 2023 at the latest. After the document is developed, it will be put to the vote by Zgierz councillors. If it becomes possible to implement the document, the actions described therein will be successively implemented, as provided for in the Local Development project. Thanks to the results of the conducted research, a picture of how to do this is slowly being drawn.

The document is being developed as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the “Local Development” Programme.

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