We promote ourselves in a tent during the End of Summer (Zakończenie Lata) 2022

We had a good opportunity to present the plans and assumptions of the Local Development program to the citizens of Zgierz during an important municipal event – The End of Summer (Zakończenie Lata), which lasted on 9-11 September 2022. This is one of the most important open-air events in the city in the annual cycle. A tent promoting details of our project was put up in the exhibition part of the event – and it was very popular among visitors. 

In connection with the promotional activities carried out, the purpose of which was to inform the citizens of Zgierz about the assumptions of the Local Development program and its implementation in the city, a survey was carried out during the event. In a specially prepared sheet, the survey participants answered questions on their needs related to everyday life in the city. The respondents assessed, inter alia, the standard of living in Zgierz, suggesting what should be changed in order to improve the functioning of public affairs. For example, the sports and educational base as well as the cultural offer were also assessed. The survey also included questions related to the future of the residents themselves, for example: would you like to stay in Zgierz, living here for many years. 

Each participant of the survey also took part in a game of throwing a large, plush dice. All throws – from 1 to 6 points – were awarded with gifts related to the local identification of the City of Zgierz. 

The promotional campaign of the Local Development program during the End of Summer program was carried out in the city park of Zgierz as part of the Local Development Plan, developed for participation in the Local Development program, co-financed by the funds obtained by the Municipality of Zgierz from the Norwegian Funds in the competition of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. 

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