Youth ecological debate in Stary Młyn

How to protect the natural environment in Zgierz and is there much going on in this regard? Students from the oldest grades of the city’s primary schools and invited high school students debated ecology in Stary Młyn (Thursday, February 22, 2024). The pretext for the discussion was the current state of work on the future recultivation of landfills of the former Boruta plant.

In the first part of the meeting, Dr. Renata Żyłła, invited to participate in the debate (supervising the work of the team preparing the report on the Zgierz landfills), presented to the youth the results of thorough research carried out thanks to the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”. Let us recall that the purpose of the report prepared by experts was not only to determine the impact that the diagnosed contents of landfills have on the environment, but also to indicate the methods and costs of recultivation.

After the presentation, the youth were invited to ask questions, which were answered by Przemysław Staniszewski, the Mayor of Zgierz, who visited Stary Młyn. The discussion part included information on how the City of Zgierz intends to obtain external financial resources to implement key ecological goals. The first efforts in this matter are already being made.

The debate with young people, devoted to an exhaustive presentation of key issues regarding the future recultivation of landfill areas after the Boruta plant, was organized as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”, implemented thanks to participation in the “Local Development” Program, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and EEA Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021.

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