Youth policy presented to local entrepreneurs

The main assumptions of the recently developed “Youth Policy of the Commune of Zgierz” were presented to the owners of local companies of Zgierz. The presentation mainly concerned the gastronomic and shopping offer in the city, assessed by local youth.

The questions asked by the creators of the strategic document to Zgierz youth during focus groups included: those regarding young people’s opinions on the offer of local shops and restaurants. As Adrian Pal, Youth Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of Zgierz (co-author of the document), said during the meeting with entrepreneurs, the respondents drew attention to the weak – in their opinion – aspects of this offer.

Indicating “things to improve”, young respondents mentioned, among others: the monotony of the gastronomic offer (a large number of pizzerias and kebabs), a small number of well-known brand stores in Zgierz, insufficient advertising or popularization of the creation of new places, as well as the lack of a shopping mall with a recreation area where young people could spend time. – A specific culture of eating and spending time together outdoors has developed among young people. It turns out that the existing solutions are not sufficient in this respect. We have no choice but to respond to young people’s comments and talk to them about ways to meet their needs, explained Adrian Pal.

The meeting with Zgierz entrepreneurs took place as part of the Business Breakfast. The Mayor of Zgierz, Przemysław Staniszewski, and the Zgierz Entrepreneur Service Center regularly organize such meetings with local business representatives. Their goal is, among others, providing entrepreneurs with new information on cooperation with public administration and building a space for mutual integration.

The presentation under the slogan “Shopping and gastronomy in Zgierz in the opinion of young people” was organized as part of the project: Implementation of the Youth Policy of the City of Zgierz as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours” co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2024 -2021 under the Local Development Program.

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