Zgierski Kaziuk 2023 – a survey for the inhabitants of the city

After a two-year break, one of the most colorful events in the city calendar – Zgierski Kaziuk – returned. Over one hundred and sixty exhibitors created a colorful exhibition in the “wooden” part of the city (Rembowskiego and Narutowicza Streets), among which our promotional tent also found its place. We created a stand at which the inhabitants of Zgierz answered important questions in the field of social consultations.

The prepared questionnaire, which we gave respondents to complete, contained a number of questions regarding the quality of consultations that we conduct for Zgierz residents in the field of, among others, urban investments. Since most of the projects aimed at improving the infrastructure and quality of life in Zgierz are carried out on the basis of the “Living LAB” method (constant conversations and consultations with residents to find out what changes they need) – we asked in the survey whether social consultations were conducted well.

During the all-day artistic and exhibition event, organized in reference to the tradition of Vilnius “Kaziuki”, many people stayed in our tent, willingly filling out questionnaires.

– We are glad that this study interested many seniors – says Renata Malinowska-Koralewska, Head of the Department of Health, Social Affairs and Senior Policy of the Zgierz City Hall, where the survey was prepared. – It is out of concern for the comfort of life of the elderly, as well as the youngest generation of Zgierz residents, that we are changing the wooden city center.

Let us remind you that as part of the “Zgierz – a modern city after hours” project, e.g. blooming gardens among the historic backyards of the City of Weavers Cultural Park are in progress, and we are creating Zones of Old Crafts there. The new headquarters of the Zgierz Senior Center will also be retrofitted. All these and similar investments were planned based on consultations with residents.

Until March 19, 2023, residents of Zgierz can still express their assessment of the quality of these consultations in an online survey, which can be found here.

Survey research, which will be used to develop the content of the draft resolution of the Zgierz City Council on public consultations, is conducted by the Zgierz City Hall as part of the project “Zgierz – a modern city after hours”, co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the “Development of Local”.

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