“Local Development” program – what is being created in Zgierz?

In recent years, a lot of new investments have appeared in Zgierz. It is important that the City of Zgierz effectively obtains external funds in all areas. Thanks to this, you can save the money of commune residents’ taxes. The most extensive project, containing about thirty investment projects in various areas of coordinated city development, is the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project, implemented as part of the “Local Development” Program.

The general goal of the project is to initiate changes in the city, thanks to which Zgierz will become a better place to live for its inhabitants, offering a rich offer of spending free time for entire families returning home after work or school.

Zgierz was among the elite group of 29 cities – beneficiaries of the Local Development Program – from which, thanks to the funds from the next edition of the Norwegian Mechanism and the European Economic Area (available to the Polish government), it received approximately PLN 15 million for the implementation of its project: “Zgierz – modern city after hours”.

The Zgierz application includes various projects, such as architectural modernizations (e.g. the creation of a new headquarters for the Zgierz Senior Center, investments in the City of Weavers Cultural Park), the development of important strategic development documents (such as the Social Development Strategy of the City or the Youth Policy) up to a scientific assessment of the condition of Zgierz landfills. and creating numerous improvements in the work of the Zgierz City Hall.

The project is scheduled to be completed in spring 2024. – I am convinced that when the implementation of this project comes to an end, our residents will be able to notice the first changes that will take place thanks to the investments made – says Przemysław Staniszewski, Mayor of Zgierz.

“Zgierz – a modern city after hours” is a significant project, the changes made thanks to it are already noticeable. But Zgierz, implementing a long-term development strategy, obtains external funds from many sources and invests more and more. These funds are obtained from virtually every possible source, from EU and foreign funds (the so-called Norwegian mechanism), through central (ministerial) funds and programs, to special funds allocated to municipalities by local institutions (Marshal’s Office, Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management). If we counted only the projects from which the Municipality of Zgierz obtained external funds over the past five years (2019-24), we would receive a map of co-financing for several dozen projects worth tens of millions of zlotys.

The changes initiated in Zgierz thanks to the implementation of the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project were possible as a result of the participation of the City of Zgierz in the “Local Development” Program, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

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