Zgierz Resident Card and the City of Zgierz mobile application

The projects implemented as part of the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project include practical online tools. They are intended not only to make everyday life in the city easier for residents, but also to make full use of what it has to offer in their free time. Thanks to our solutions – the City of Zgierz mobile application and the Zgierz Resident Card loyalty program – Zgierz residents have also gained much wider possibilities of communication with the local government.

Created thanks to the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project, the new version of the city application allows instant access to news and events that appear on the website www.miasto.zgierz.pl. Thanks to the notification function, the user receives current offers for spending free time after hours. The application also allows you to report various problems or defects in public spaces to the city hall – completely anonymously and free of charge. Since April 2023 (i.e. since its launch), the Zgierz city application has been downloaded to smartphones by almost four thousand people.

The Zgierz Resident Card is an innovative loyalty program promoting people who settle their taxes locally. At www.karta.miasto.zgierz.pl, we offer Zgierz residents many benefits: discounts, rebates and promotions, for example cheaper public transport journeys. Card users are divided into age groups, with different benefits offered to each of them. This, in turn, allows the card partners to freely shape the offer, which – in addition to the units of the Zgierz City Hall – includes local entrepreneurs from Zgierz. Through their participation in the program, they better reach their customers.

Both city online products are integrated with each other based on the crossposting principle. The application constantly presents all information related to the benefits of the card. It also contains a “tile” that directly directs the user to the mobile version of the Zgierz Resident Card website. There, a dedicated tab presents the application’s functionalities and encourages Zgierz residents to download it free of charge from online stores.

The loyalty card, introduced at the beginning of 2024, also combines the benefits of the existing ones: Zgierz Senior Card and Zgierz Large Family Card. Owners of the new product highly appreciate the ten percent discount on public transport. The list of benefits for residents is gradually increasing, along with the process of acquiring new partners for the Zgierz Resident Card.

Both urban online products – the City of Zgierz application and the Zgierz Resident Card – were created as part of the “Zgierz – modern city after hours” project co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development program.

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